Wednesday, April 23, 2014

My Baby, My Pride, My Johnson's Baby

Hall of Stars.....
Finalists of Johnson's Baby of the Year 2009-2013
Can't spot my kor kor's photo...
As he's semi-finalists for BOTY 2008...

Submit your entry,
For Johnson's Baby Of The Year 2014,
With profesional photography session,
You may even snap family photo,
At the photo booth!~

Stars of the day!~
I'm one of the stars!~
Could I be one of the finalists,
For Baby Of The Year 2014???
How I wish so!~

Enjoying playing session @Starfun ..
With lots of different toys,
In different tables,
During the roadshow at 1Utama...

Measuring our height and weight 

Jotting down and recording,
Our growth chart..
We're on average track of growing...
No underweight, No obesity!~

Wish Upon the Star:
Help children who are less fortunate,
By entering Johnson's Baby of the Year 2014...

RM1 from every entry will be donated,
To OrphanCARE to help a child find a home....
The stars on the tree,
Are messages for the orphanage...

There will be three winners in each group, 
With the grand prize winner receiving RM10,000 in cash, 
The chance to appear on the cover of a magazine 
And a hamper worth RM1,000.

Besides having a chance to be crowned,
As Baby Of the Year 2014,
You can do charity in the same time,
Why not?

Baby Of The Year 2014 (How to participate): 

  • Simply snap two pictures that bring out your baby’s best.
  • Purchase at least RM15 worth of Johnson’s Baby products to be entitled for an entry.
  • Complete the entry form, attach the photos together with the receipt and submit them at participating outlets, or by post to Johnson’s Baby of the Year 2014 Contest, PO Box 3186 Subang Jaya, Selangor; or online via their Facebook page

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Ostrich Farm

A very close encounter,
With quite a number of ostrich...

We observed how long the ostrich neck is...
In very near distance...
We saw how they curled up their neck, too!~

What's makes me more exciting is....
I have the chance to feed the ostrich....
With dried corn!~

It's fun filled day for sure!~
Special appreciation for Friso!~

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