Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sunway Lagoon Wildlife Park

Sunway Lagoon Wildlife Park...

Official Launch of Wildlife Park,
@ White Lion Kingdom...

By Puan noorul Ashikin Bt Mohd Din,
General Manager of Tourism Selangor...

To be exact,
Official Re-Launching...

Mr Krishnan Vellasamy,
Wildlife Park Manager of Sunway Lagoon;
Mr Magendran Marimuthu,
Assistant GM of Sunway Lagoon;
Mr Sean Choo,
GM of Sunway Lagoon;
Puan Noorul Ashikin Bt Mohd Din,
GM of Tourism Selangor;
Mr Jonny Wong Kwei Ji,
Winner of the 'Name the King and Queen of the Jungle @ Sunway Lagoon' Contest;
Sweet and Harris of ChiChi dan ChaCha..

The White Lion Kingdom...

Look at the exotic white lion!~
Really amazing!~

Met Suzy,
The very long and large snakes...
In Wildlife park...

Exploring Tigerland....
And many many more,
Up close and personal experience,
With the wildlife!~


  1. cham...have not been there since it opened. sounds good place to go this holiday

    hope entrance fees is not too expensive

  2. Any difference to the place after the relaunch?

  3. Small Kucing, my first time went inside also.. It's better than I imagine.. :) You may check out the promotion in Sunway Lagoon's official site..

    Leona, I never been there b4 the re-launch, not sure about the big difference, but I know the Tigerland is new, with very big Siberian tigers; and the pair white lions also new, if not mistaken, it's the only place we can see white lions in M'sia.. :)

  4. The white lion looks so beautiful!

  5. I've yet to visit the place. Looks like fun, Kylie! xoxo

  6. Hi there,
    great post about Sunway Lagoon. :)
    You can also get great amazing deal for your Sunway Lagoon 6 Parks Tickets here:

    Buy Sunway Lagoon Tickets with Amazing Discount Promo

    Thank you! :)


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