Thursday, May 31, 2012

Growing Life Inside.....

I feels so comfortable.....
Staying inside mummy's tummy,
For the whole nine months!~~~~~~~

Since my kor kor and jie jie,
Own their very own blogs......
How can I be the exceptional one?

My very first post....
On my one and only blog.......

Babytalk May 2012 Issue,
Featuring me,
Inside mummy's tummy~~~~~~
Story about the 9th months,
In her tummy!~


  1. y no follow button at the top geh???

  2. Welcome to the world and congratulations to Mummy! :)

  3. u got a new baby ???? wow ...... congratulations :)

  4. Smallkucing, still in the midst of setting up the blog.. But I see you already in my follower's list.. Thanks for support...

    Mievee, Thanks for the wish!~

    Anggie's Journal, oh yes~ Thanks!

  5. Have been following your Little Prince blog but never realised that the May 2012 BabyTalk story was featuring Little Baby Prince :). Justin's photo was also featured in the May 2012 issue.

  6. Thanks for following our blogs......

    So cool huh? Featuring in the same magazine.. :)


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