Monday, June 10, 2013

Fisher-Price The Joy of Learning Workshop

Fisher-Price's annual workshop...
This year,
With the theme of:
'The Joy Of Learning"

This year,
The workshop is strictly for parents only.......
It's not yet 10am,
But the seats are almost full!~

Fisher-Price ambassador:-
Ms Belinda Chee!!!~
Ms Carrie Lupoli a.k.a "Chief Mum"
Still love the way,
She presented the workshop!~
So interactive!~
So interesting!~
So informative!~

You must be wondering....
What's the box doing on our table?!~
You must be wondering...
What's going on in the box?!~
You wouldn't know...
Until you actually attended the workshop....
Stay tune for Fisher-Price Workshop next year then...

Part of the activity,
During the workshop...
Jotting down parents' goals,
For their lovely children....
On the big white board....

Ms Carrie doesn't really just teach us,
How to implement 'The Joy of Learning' with our children,
She actually implement the real concept in the workshop, too!~

My mummy learnt a lot during the workshop...
And she learnt everything with J-O-Y!~

Ms Belinda Chee and mummies,
In action...
During the group activities...
We made a great team!~
As we get every answers we needed,
By the power of team work!~

If you think the workshop,
Is merely only about toys,
And more toys........
You're probably partially correct!~

This year,
Nestle's giving a talk,
On nutrition and immunity for children....

Jordan's giving a talk,
On Dental Hygiene for Children, too!~

Conclusion is..
The workshop covers...
Almost everything every parents need to know!~
Superb isn't it?
And what's even more fun is.....
The joy of learning in the workshop,
Doesn't just end here!~~~~~~~

Parents walk away with amazing prizes...
During Lucky Draw.....
Ms Carrie and Ms Belinda are giving away...
Fisher-Price toys to the lucky parents....
Remember Vince, Melissa and Diyana?
- New Fisher-Price Play Ambassadors...
They're together with other parents,
In The Joy Of Learning Workshop, too!~
Not forgetting to present more Fisher-Price toys....
For more lucky mummies!~

Every parents go home..
With a sweet satisfying smile...
The one who wins the lucky draw,
And the one who didn't.......

We gain a lot of superb knowledge,
To make us a smarter parent for our kids!~
Wonderful isn't it?!

1 comment:

  1. got different thg....u now enjoy events with ur kids...more meaningful


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