Monday, January 18, 2016

AirAsia's #GREEN24 Climate Awareness Movement

Air Asia,
Continues with its climate change awareness initiative,
Themed #GREEN24,
Was first launched last November,
With a 24-hour climate awareness movement,
To educate and promote climate action,
As part of the airline's Corporate Social Responsibility inititives,
Throughout The Asean Region..

A special invitation video,
By Group CEO,
Tony Fernandes,
Iniviting public,
To be proactive,
In protecting the environment,
And the earth...

For more information,
Hop over to Air Asia website..


  1. Good info we need to spread this. Earth is getting warmer.

  2. hurray... let's do out part and think up something to help save mother earth....

  3. good effort by Airasia :) hope there will be more CSR coming soon

  4. Great campaign. We do need to save the world for the sake of our kids.

  5. This is a great campaign that we should all get involved in, if possible. Kudos to Air Asia for leading the way.

  6. Great to know that Air Asia is taking action in protecting the environment. :)

  7. Great initiative by air Asia! We need to care for the environment more

  8. Loved the video dear - we should always be proactive in taking measures in preserving the environment. Very educational as well :)

  9. I started going green by doing recycling like 10 years back. I love what I do and Im going to support greener earth everyday

  10. Kudos to AirAsia for this amazing initiative - lets leave the earth as the way to should be for our future generations!

  11. Babe, thanks for sharing but a word of advice dont free advertise for brands who don't appreciate or notice your efforts. Set a standard for yourself.

    1. It's the initiative that I support.. I memang always green supporter.. This post is for the environment.. :) Thanks for your advice.. I'll keep it in mind..

  12. This is a really good awareness campaign!

  13. It is our responsibility to take care our mother earth, everyone should take part in this :)

  14. Good efforts from AA. Hope got chance to join AABC too. :)

  15. let's go green this together with Airasia! we must do our part really


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