Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Propsocial - Real Community Reviews

The very first property website,
In Malaysia...
Featuring honest reviews,
Directly from the community...

The aim of PropSocial:
To offer ultimate property services,
To users from all walks of lives,
Like property buyers, home renters,
Investors, property ownders,
Property agents and developers...
Before, during as well as after,
The process of buying and selling a property...

No doubt that majority of property buyers,
Conduct their research online...
But unfortunately,
What we found is normally too random,
With insufficient information..
On the property and neighbourhood...

The situation is even worse,
If the buyers have to deal,
With unreliable property agents...

Now, let me tell you,
How PropSocial help us,
Finding a good deal in property!~

With the raise of property value like crazy,
Wanting to own a right property,
Paying a affordable price,
In the ideal neighbourhood,
Is never an easy task...
It could be a long and tedious process...
It could be very tiring and frustrating...
As we don't have the right guidance,
From any proper and reliable information source...

We decided to sign up...
For Propsocial..

With their easy-to-use interface,
I think I could find my ideal property,
In very very short period of time...

PropSocial is here,
To solve all the problems,
By providing solutions,
To ease the pain of property buyers,
By resolving their challenges!~

With the intelligent search tool...
We could found a property,
Fully based on our requirement:
Our budget, the size of the property,
The type of the property...
And filtered out all those property,
That doesn't match our requirement...
Fully sorted based on our preference;
Whether it's regarding on,
Quietness, cleanliness, safety or traffic!~

The search results is comprehensive,
With details on the neighbourhood,
Information on the property,
Availability of properties for sale and rent,
As well as ratings and reviews of the neighbourhood and property!~

I found that the news feed,
Is really convenient to use...
We'll receive updates,
On the chosen neighbourhood...
We won't miss out anything,
Regarding on the neighbourhood of our choice,
Which leads us to finding an ideal home sweet home...

Just a click of 'Follow' on a neighbourhood,
I can receive updates on the chosen neighbourhood,
Each time any user mentions,
Any pertaining to the neighbourhood...
Anything here includes:
Everytime anyone opens a discussion pertaining the neighbourhood,
Rates or reviews a property under that neighbourhood,
Posts properties for sale or rent in that neighbourhood,
Or even discusses anything at all pertaining at that neighbourhood...

It's really everything...
It's so simple!~
It's so easy-peasy!~
To get every piece of information we needed.

It actually provides,
Every single relevant information,
About the neighbourhood,
That we really needs..
Such as nearby amenities
Like supermarket, schools,
Hospital, Shopping malls,
Convenience stores,
Public transportation,
Petrol stations & banks.
Upcoming developments,
Properties within the neighbourhood,
Places of worship,
Crime level and majority ethnic group!~

Oh yes!
You heard me right...
All those information,
With just a single click!~
So user-friendly!~

We could read about,
What other's comments...
About the neighbourhood,
And read up all the reviews,
Before we make any decisions...

I also post up..
Some of my honest review...
Based on the traffic, accessibility,
Safety and convenience..
Giving other users,
A guidelines on what I think,
About the neighbourhood...

And the best part of it is..
After I post up my review,
I'll be rewarded with points,
And I'm on my way...
To get some wonderful rewards...
Like Starbucks gift card.
Or Parkson gift card.....
I really hope I can redeem one real soon...

Sharing is caring...
What's more wonderful is,
After sharing the single piece of information I know,
I'll get something nice back!~
It's really a bonus!~

I love this features very much!~
As I'm able to calculate the distance,
Between the chosen property,
From anyway of our choice....
Eliminating the need to guesswork and research!

This means:
Before we choose or buy or rent any property..
We know the exact distance from the property,
To our workplace,
To our parents' house,
To our in law's house,
To our school etc etc...
It is really a very wise tool,
To assist us in making a wise choice...
On which property to purchase or rent..

If anytime,
We have any queries on the review,
We can always have discussion,
To get advice and talk with the community,
Regarding on any property issue....
The discussion board,
Is also a place,
Where property buyers and property sellers can meet!~

Looking for a property now?
Just hop over to propsocial,
And start exploring everything,
To get your ideal home....

Happy property hunting!~

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