Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Hi5 Sound of the Week with MAS Enrich Junior

I attended Hi5 Sound of the Week's shooting...
With MAS Enrich Junior..

We're not allow to park our cars...
Everyone gathered in Pullman Hotel, Putrajaya....
And headed together...
To the studio!~
With my favourite vehicle - Bus!!!

I'm going to meet my Idol, Hi5..
Pretty soon...
Excited to the maximum!

This would be my 2nd time...
Meeting Hi5...
The 1st time was during Hi5 House Party!~

Mummy's not allowed,
To follow the kids...
And they only can see us...
Through the TV...
Inside the tent...

Our session...
Will be dancing..
'Animal Dance'
With Hi5!~

My kor kor and jie jie and me...
Are one of those kids...
As I always watched in Hi5 show...

This is really one...
Very unforgettable experience for me...

And guess what?!~
We have a very upclose and personal session...
Together with Hi5,
During the group photo...

Oh My!!!!!!
Mary actually carry me!!!!!
And I hugged her back!!!!!

Thank you Hi5.
And MAS Enrich Junior....
For such a wonderful experience!~

1 comment:

  1. wow...can meet their idols..
    I also wish to attende...Abbie


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