Sunday, January 19, 2014

Friso “Our Today Moments”

While the journey of motherhood,
Brings incredible experiences
Or great joys to a mum,
The reality of having to juggle
Between work and family
Can sometimes create
A lot of emotional tensions for mummies!~

For instance,
Mothers who are constantly caught up
In the their daily to-dos,
Such as work,
Sending and picking up the kids,
Cooking, bathing, feeding them,
Plus household chores,
Are left with not much
Or no time to spend quality time with their kids.
As a result,
They may feel they are always out of time,
Exhausted, guilty, not spending enough time with their kids,
Postponing plans with kids,
Torn between work and family and even husband…

“Our Today Moments”
Refers to the time we spend with our children,
The time we set aside our daily to-dos and focus on “today”. 
In another words,
It’s about you making the effort
To make every moment count with your kids -  
We call this quality time “Our Today Moments”

I'd been spending limited quality time with my kids
After I did Friso Mum Survey,
I so much wish that money is not an issue for our family,
And we can spend more quality time together…….
With every expenses raising in the reality,
It had become almost impossible to achieve….
The only choice that I have is:
Continue working and earn money,
Rushing here and there all the time…..
Sacrifices my own personal time for my kids.
For example,
I always has light lunch,
In order to fetches the elder kids,
To and from school
During my lunch hour;
I didn’t sleep much,
As I need to do the chores,
Only after my kids're fast asleep….

According to the survey findings,
A working mum spends about
2.5 hours lesser than a non-working mum or housewife
With her children,
And she considers only half her time with her children
As “quality time”.
As a working mummy,
I try my best,
To make sure ALL the time I spent with my children,
Are ‘quality time'!~

It’s totally understandable that,
More than half of the working mums surveyed
Also feel she does not spend enough time with her children.
Tell me,
Which mummies don’t want to spend MORE time with their children?
According to the survey…..
Mums want to do activities
With their kids but don’t know how…
But I think I'm pretty lucky,
As I blog a lot and have a lot of blogging friends,
Who’s willing to share the experiences…
And giving me more ideas,
On what activities children like the most!

Mums, regardless working or non-working,
Want their husband to be responsible
And involved in taking care of their children,
Planning of family activities
And even doing household chores. 
That’s pretty normal….
As a complete family, includes
Involvement of every family member…

Malaysian mums are expressive
With their love for their kids,
But are also disciplining……
While moms are loving
And yet strict towards their kids,
They want to be perceived as friendly
And someone who guides her children
In the journey of growing up together…
I hope I'm always my kids' best friends ever,
And they could share everything with me:
Their toys, their time, 
And most importantly,
Their feelings……

My “Today” moments:
·         Hugs and kiss my kids everyday!
·         Bedtime story is a must!
·         Sing as many songs as possible to my children.
·         Bring my kids to as many ‘field trip’ as possible, for them to learn during the trips and have more wonderful moments together.
·         Get creative and do more recycling art together.
·         Plan for special birthday celebrations every year for my little ones.
·         At least, having one meal together everyday.
·         Cook more nutritious food for my kids.
·         Play together with my children.

To know more about Friso “Our Today Moments”
And the survey results,
Do visit Friso’s facebook


  1. we really need QUALITY time with kids...gambateh!

  2. I love the photos! :)

    It's great that you document the best moments growing up with them. It only happens once!

  3. LeAnne, Mummy need it, The kids need it, too! Quality bonding time is very precious..

  4. Huai Bin, Thanks for loving our photos... I won't wanna miss any of their growing ups moments and I'd really want to document the best part of our sweet memories... :)


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