Tuesday, August 12, 2014

G. I. Ray

Just received an official letter from Parkson,
Informing us that we're one of the winner,
For Parkson Lookalike Contest....
We won! We won!!
We won consolation prize!~

Special thanks to pretty Ivy jie jie, again...
Transforming our non-so-professional photo shoot...
To an amazing photo montage..............
Telling a tale of the latest movie in town...
G. I. Ray!~

Pai seh leh~~
Suddenly my dad, my mum and me,
Become like super famous actor and actress,
In the photo montage....

Frankly speaking,
I myself don't really know,
How's the story line of G. I. Ray......
I don't really have the confidence,
If I really can act that well in a movie....
But that's one thing I'm really very sure.....
Ivy jie jie is the best story teller in the world....
When you have a bunch of any photos,
She'll tell the most incredible tale with the photos!~

Since it's a lookalike contest......
Whom do you think I look like more?
My daddy or my mummy???

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