Monday, January 19, 2015

Quill City Mall's Grand Launch

Grand launch of...
Quill City Mall!

Speech by Dato' Michael Ong,
Group Executive Director,
Quill Group of Companies..

Officiated by..
Y.B Dato Seri Mohamad Nazri Bin Abdul Aziz,
Minister of Tourism and Culture...

Group photos,
After ribbon cutting ceremony..

Lion dance performance!~

 'Long Ma Jing Shen'..

Graceful aerialist performance!~

It takes great gymnastic skills,
To perform such tasks!~

Plaque-signing ceremony...

Signatures are now...
On the plaque!~

Presentation of Mementoes...

Happy shopping!~
In the brand new Quill City Mall!~

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Genting's Mushroom Farm

Here we're...
At Genting Mushroom Farm...

Our memory fly back to...
Our first Mushroom Farm visit...
In UK Farm...

Genting's Mushroom Farm....
Caters more variety of mushroom...

This one looks like....
Abalone mushroom....

 And White Oyster Mushroom...

 Pearl Oyster's Mushroom...

Have you ever wonder,
How MonkeyHead Mushroom looks like?
Head over to Genting's Mushroom Farm,
To have a peep on it!~

There's big banners,
Explaining the steps,
From how mushroom is being 'planted'
To how mushroom is harvested...

Interesting and educative visit for all of us!~

Related Posts:
Genting's Strawberry Park
Genting's Strawberry Cafe
Genting's Mushroom Farm
Genting's Lavender Farm

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Empowering working mothers online..
It's dedicated to professional women & mothers,
Who wish to work from home..
Whether on a short or long project term basis...

Is founded in 2013,
By Angie S Chin....

Take a look at their testimonials...
You can read and see,
How it helps everyone,
In long runs...

Registering yourself,
Is as easy as 123!~
You may ops for Emplyer or Jobseeker...

Latest jobs available currently...
Could this be your perfect role?

With job alerts,
Nobody will miss out...
Any job that matched,
The job seeker's criteria...

Stay tune..
For more upcoming events....

Genting's Lavender Garden

 Visited Genting's Lavender Garden...

Full of purple flowers....

Love the little housey...
With beautiful decoration!~

Greenery and yellow flowers' view..

Purple souvenirs are sold..
But we didn't buy any...

Just enjoying....
A nice walk,
With beautiful views,
In the Lavender Garden..

Related Posts:
Genting's Strawberry Park
Genting's Strawberry Cafe
Genting's Mushroom Farm
Genting's Lavender Farm

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