photo provided by TOP
The daily struggle of single mother-led families in Malaysia
Has worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic.
More than 150,000 single mothers
Have registered for aid with
The Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development.
A survey found that single mothers are the hardest hit group
A survey found that single mothers are the hardest hit group
During the pandemic as they are the main breadwinner
And the sole caregiver for their families.
For financially stretched single mothers,
The back-to-school season can be highly stressful
As they need to provide for their children's future on a tight budget.
Understanding the need of single mothers,
Understanding the need of single mothers,
The Cerahi Kehidupan Bersama TOP (Brighter Future with TOP)
Charity fund-raising campaign
Returns bigger and better in collaboration
With Jabatan Kebajikan Malaysian (JKM), AEON and Shopee,
With the goal of equipping students from single-mother led families
With back-to-school essentials for the 2022 school year.
JKM shortlisted current aid recipients including single mother-led families
JKM shortlisted current aid recipients including single mother-led families
As well as those who are care-givers for bed-ridden
Or differently-abled family members.
Priority was given to families with children
Starting Primary One in 2022.
Meanwhile, TOP identified families
Who had experienced reduced or lost income
During the pandemic through media reports.
Priority is given to families with children
Who will start Year One in 2022.
TOP has contacted these single mothers
To obtain details on the sizing and other requirement
For the 333 children involved.
TOP reached out to these mothers individually
For sizing details and to personalise
The back-to-school essentials for 333 children.
A portion of sales from selected TOP detergent products
A portion of sales from selected TOP detergent products
Across AEON stores and Shopee platform
(via the official Southern Lion store)
From November 25 to December 26, 2021
Will be channeled to equipping these 333 primary school students.
The back-to-school essentials include brand new school uniform,
The back-to-school essentials include brand new school uniform,
School shoes, socks, stationery set, pencil case,
And colour pencils for each child.
Each family will receive a 2.3kg pack of TOP powder detergent,
While the children will receive a soft toy,
And an exclusive illustrated book
By multi-award winning children's picture book author and illustrator Emila Yusof,
Who has created more than 40 books for children
Such as the Dina series that includes My Mother's Garden,
My Mother's Kitchen, My Father's Farm and the latest, Dina's Art Class.
TOP will deliver the personalised back-to-school packs to JKM offices
In 12 states for distribution to the single mother-led families in 2022,
Ahead of the new school term.
Since its inception in 2015,
Since its inception in 2015,
The Cerahi Kehidupan Bersama TOP campaign
Has benefited 2,880 children from 85 communities nationwide
With back-to-school essentials,
While contributing TOP detergent products
To their families and caregivers.
Just in time for the back-to-school campaign,
Just in time for the back-to-school campaign,
The brand has introduced
TOP Gentle Care Advanced Micro-Clean Tech liquid detergent
That can remove 99.9% of viruses (COVID-19 and Influenza A) and bacteria.
TOP Gentle Care is formulated with Caring Touch Tech
TOP Gentle Care is formulated with Caring Touch Tech
For an overall skin-nurturing experience.
Powered by plant-based active ingredients
Which are free from the five most common allergens that trigger skin sensitivity,
It is suitable for the wellbeing of the entire family's skin.
The skin-loving pH formula is dermatologically tested,
With a lasting citrusy fresh and clean fragrance.
This gentle, skin-friendly detergent uses 3X Stain Busting Tech
To effectively remove even the toughest stains
By penetrating deeply through fabric layers,
Pulling out stains and keeping dirt from redepositing onto laundry.
TOP Gentle Care uses Fibre Care Tech to protect clothes
By conditioning fabric at the fibre level
To help clothes retain the look and feel of newness for longer.
During the pandemic,
During the pandemic,
TOP has become a comforting presence for many,
Helping to ease the burden of Orang Asli students and their families,
Single mothers, front liners, vaccinators and the homeless
Through product contributions totaling approximately RM600,000.
The brand has also raised spirit
With the rousing tribute song 'Bebas Melangkah'.
"While the pandemic has been difficult for all of us,
"While the pandemic has been difficult for all of us,
Malaysians are proving resilient and bouncing back
By lifting up and supporting those who are most in need.
TOP is proud to play our part as Keluarga Malaysia
Being here for you in good times, and tough times.
The Cerahi Kehidupan Bersama TOP campaign
Is more needful than ever as it reduces the burden on single mother-led families,
And encourages children to readjust to in-person school again.
We understand that some children will face anxiety
To return to school after spending a long time at home
Which is why we are including a soft toy
And a beautifully illustrated limited edition book
By famed artist, author and children's book illustrator Emila Yusof
To help educate them on the correct technique of handwashing
In preparing them to get back to school," says Ms Ling Ai Li, Marketing Manager of Fabric Care Division at Southern Lion Sdn Bhd.
Commenting on the cooperation,
JKM commended and lauded the noble efforts of TOP
In organizing the Brighter Future with TOP initiative
Which can benefit those affected during the Covid 19 pandemic.
For Emila Yusof the collaboration with TOP
For Emila Yusof the collaboration with TOP
Allows her to provide gentle guidance on health and hygiene to children
Who are still coping with life changes due to the pandemic
Through the story of Kiki that follows a young girl
In a typical pandemic day with her mother's frequent reminders to wash hands,
And to wash clothes.
"Children remember the stories their mothers tell them
At bedtime well into adulthood,
And the illustrations act as a visual reminder on what they should do.
I'm delighted that this collaboration with TOP
Can bring comfort and more closeness
Between single mothers and their children," says Emila.
The limited edition book 'Kiki Menentang Dunia Kuman' by Emila Yusof
Will be gifted to all the Cerahi Kehidupan Bersama TOP recipients.
The public can redeem this beautifully illustrated book
By purchasing RM45 and above of TOP detergent
Or Kirei-Kirei hand wash products in a single receipt
From AEON or Shopee via Southern Lion Official Store,
Whatsapp 018-6688025 with their details and proof of purchase
Before answering one simple question.
For more information,
Please visit .
"This is the first year that we are working with Shopee
"This is the first year that we are working with Shopee
For the campaign as we notice that
Consumers are increasingly purchasing our products on this platform.
We hope that it will result in a higher collection
And the opportunity to help even more children than the 333
That we have committed to aiding.
Help us help more single mothers and their school going children
So they can enjoy a brighter future,"
Adds Ms Ling in closing.
To find out more about TOP products and the campaign,
To find out more about TOP products and the campaign,
Please visit
Or call customer care line at 1800-88-0133.