Thursday, June 28, 2012

Cute Caterpillar

My kor kor and jie jie,
Went to Fisher-Price 'Power of Interactive Play' Parenting Workshop...
Without me.......
Sob sob~~~~~~~

They bring back,
This very very cute Brilliant Basics Snap-Lock Caterpillar.......
I got new toy!!!

I'm one 'brave' little baby....
Who dare to 'bite' a caterpillar.....
As I love the colours, textures,
And it's sounds when I shake it...
Which will stimulate my sensory development....

My busy little hands,
Like to grasp and explore colourful beads,
Which will enhances my fine motor skills.....

My siblings 'tear' out the parts,
And reassembled it again!~
They really have good problem solving skills, don't they?
I personally think it's super fun!~
But I'm unable to do so yet....
Soon... Soon......... Very Soon...
I'll be fixing my very own 'set' of caterpillar!~

Thursday, June 14, 2012

My First Hotel Stay

 My very first hotel stay,
@ Majestic Hotel Malacca...
A very classic hotel....
With the superb comfy design...

We're welcomed warmly by the staff,
With very sweet smiles in traditional Kebaya suite...
We're given a glass of water for each of us....
And warm handkerchief to wipe our tiring faces,
After two-hour-plus-journey in the car......

While daddy's parking our car.......
We have our luggage well-taken care of by the hotel bell-boys......
Kor kor and jie jie enjoy eating the colourful biscuit......
Mummy just sit on the sofa and relax,
While the staff did everything for us to check in....

This is more than five-star service for a hotel!!!~
Bravo to all the staffs!~
While everyone sleeping on the huge bed....
I got my very own baby cot.......
Ready in the room waiting for me,
Upon my arrival!~

The bath tub...
Or so-called 'mini swimming pool'~~~~~~~~
Is the top favorite of what my kor kor and jie jie love most in the room.......

Don't worry.....
I don't only have my own baby cot,
I got my very own 'bath tub',
For my little 'swimming' session, too!!!~~~~~~~

While we go out travelling around Malacca......
My kor kor and jie jie will nonstop asking:
Can we go back to hotel NOW???

The one and only time.........
They don't really target of travelling around.......
But only wanted to just stay in the hotel!!!~~~~~~~~
You just can imagine,
How nice this hotel is~~~~~~~~

Hop over to my jie jie's blog.....
If you want to know what else we did,
In Majestic Hotel~~~~~~~

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Happy Baby

I'm a happy baby...
With happy feet.....

Mummy thinks..
I have the sweetest smile~
And she loves to see my happy face.....

Drypers Parents' Circle

Mummy's article,
Is being featured,
In the new issue of Drypers Parents' Circle......

Just in time.....
My 'S' size diapers is finishing soon!~~~~
Thanks again,
To SCA Hygiene and Drypers!~

Together with kor kor's robot meal's photo...

Super love the new look of the new issue.....
It's superb!~~~~~~~
Thanks for the team's effort,
To make each and every new issue,
Looks better and even better!~

Here comes my reward:~~~

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Pathway to Istana

We only can see from outside......
How's our Istana look like..........

Warisan Kebangsaan.......

I think,
This is where the royal guard standing.....

@Our King Exhibition (Pameran Raja Kita).....
The old Istana is open for public!~~~~

We may proceed~~~
To the exhibition area...
After visitor registration...

Beautiful greenery~~~~~~~
Overlooking Istana!~
Pathway to the Istana....
Walk walk walk.........
Correction: I didn't walk,
I just sit in my stroller...
And let mummy push me up the pathway~~~~~

Monday, June 11, 2012

Full Moon

Full moon is a happy day....
Marks the milestone of.....
I'm officially one-month-old....
Plus the day where mummy's free from 'jailed'........

Not big celebrations,
As we didn't invite much people...
Only close relatives......
But meaningful enough~~~~~~~

It's the day,
Where I changed my stylish hairstyle...
Which mummy like so much.....
And now~~~~~
I'm officially BOTAK!~
But no worries....
Mummy still think,
I'm as much handsome!~

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Dragon Baby

Oh yes......
I'm little baby prince,
Who born in dragon year...........

My wai gong is born in dragon year, too....
And I'm going to have little cousin,
Who'll born in dragon year...
In a few months time soon.......


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Gifts and Presents

Received gifts and presents.....
From relatives and friends.......
Of course,
Not forgetting the Ang Pows, too!~

Thank you so much!~
 Going to become Batman?!~

 A sleepsuit fly all the way from Australia...

The gift set...
Together with the mittens...

 And more hampers......

Thank you once again!~

New Mum Bag

Mummy's new mum bag.. 
Given by hospital....
When mummy and I..
Discharge from the hospital.....

Useful items........
In new mum bag.....

Monday, June 4, 2012

Happy Baby Bag

This is what's inside...
My Happy Baby Bag.......

Happy Baby Bag,
Is given to me.....
From the pretty nurse jie jie.......
When mummy bring me home....
From the hospital's nursery........

Friday, June 1, 2012

Tummy Bag

So-called tummy bag...
Given by the clinic,
During check up......
While I'm still in mummy's tummy...

Lots of useful stuffs in the bag.......

But the vouchers are expired...
We totally cannot use any of it....

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